Baby Quilts - Creating Stripwork Quilts

Stripwork quilting, as the name implies, is made-up from narrow, rectangular pieces of material. The advantage of this design is that it does not need to be planned as carefully as other designs provided that you are willing to add material with any pattern on it. If , however, you want to limit the design to specific materials, then you will have to check more carefully that you have enough of each type of material that you want to use.

Baby Quilt Sets

The simple design resulting from stripwork make it especially useful for creating quilted patchwork bags, purses and other utility items. A wide range of fabrics are suitable for these items, either lightweights or heavier blends, which can be sewn successfully on a machine. They will then stand up to the wear and tear that bags and clothing are likely to receive. I use patchwork bags created in this way for storing my quilting tools and materials in.

Baby Quilt Sets

When I first started on this hobby, I made a cot quilt for my first child entirely of scraps of fabric, many of which were taken from discarded clothing or left over pieces from dressmaking. To simplify things further, I created 7 strips of the same length using whatever bits of material were available. If you want to find out more about the actual dimensions and how do the finishing on this project, please visit my web site.

Happy quilting,


Baby Quilts - Creating Stripwork Quilts
Baby Quilt Sets

Corner Shelves Wall